Highly Impactful & Easy To Host
We are for you! We are for your marriage! We are for your relationship with your children!
The programs of Son Shine Ministries are distinctively Christian (based on biblical principles and Christ-centered), relationally focused, interactive, applicable, and enjoyable. They are presented with excellence combined with personalness. The programs are down-to-earth, practical, realistic, and hopeful. If your church also elects, we will help them have a follow-up, process-based program best suited to your church's culture and needs.
While most of our programs are hosted by churches or military chapels, we also present to organizations and various groups (e.g., Adult Bible Fellowship retreat, Christian schools, etc.). Our current emphases in our family ministry are marriage and parenting. Please read over the information provided about the different programs, and then proceed to "Next Steps" so that we can discuss coming to your location and answer any questions you may have.
Hosting a Son Shine Program is remarkably easy, extremely affordable, and consistently impacting. We would be honored to support you and your church with a program and consultation on a follow-up discipleship series (that is led by people from your church).
Since 1977, Son Shine Ministries has been leading weekend programs for churches and chapels. While excellent resources on family relationships abound, nothing replaces a live, interactive program with people from your community. It is motivating to learn alongside others and work through real-life scenarios in small groups. The highly engaging format is ideal for all personality types. No one is ever put on the spot or embarrassed. The best results happen when everyone participates—whether it is by sharing ideas aloud with the group or by silently processing the information.
Weekend Format
The two full marriage programs offered are normally presented in five to six sessions and are often taught on a Friday night and Saturday (weekend intensive). The parenting program is a bit shorter—normally presented in four to five sessions and most often taught on a Saturday.
For those in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, we sometimes offer a weekly series instead of the weekend intensive.
We highly recommend the full version of these programs, but you may also find one of the "Short Programs" a better fit for your group at this point.
Catalyst + Discipleship Series
The weekend intensive format provides a focused look at God's Word and how it might be applied today in our marriages and families. In today's culture, it is often rare to give several hours of dedicated attention to such important themes, which is what happens at our programs. We consider this an investment in something of real value. Oftentimes, the weekend programs provide clarity and result in strengthened commitments to follow God's plan for families. To prevent such sincere commitments from turning into unkept resolutions, Son Shine Ministries is committed to helping your church have a follow-on discipleship series that naturally keeps the conversation going after the program. This way, our weekend intensive is a catalyst during which those in attendance are invited to take part in the weekly, small-group based program that will be led by people from the church. During the weeks that follow, preferred relational patterns can replace ones needing improvement, and couples can positively and transparently walk through life alongside others who share their core beliefs. The discipleship consultation takes place before the weekend program so that the plan is ready for the program, and we have various levels of support we provide to the church leadership.
While the church consultation on discipleship is highly recommended, it is not required to host a Son Shine Ministries' program.