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While most positions include primary responsibilities, the workplace philosophy in Son Shine Ministries is team oriented, which means we are all called upon to support the mission in a variety of ways (true team functioning). Areas where staffing is needed include program writers and presenters, IT/social media manager, multimedia manager, treasurer, and administrative assistant. Some of these may begin as part-time positions, but we are open to full-time positions for all new hires.

Salaries / Deputized Fundraising:

Employees of Son Shine Ministries have set salaries. The director's salary is specifically set by the board of trustees. The other team members' salaries are set by the ministry's director and plugged into the ministry's budget, which must be approved annually by the board of trustees.

Like many evangelistic ministries, we ask our part- and full-time employees to raise financial support. This is called deputized fundraising—future team members being "deputized" to raise funds in the name of the ministry. Of course, we will provide ample training on effective ways to do this. The goal amount is based on the salary the employee will receive, not an additional sum on top of this amount. It is common for future employees to spend up to six months raising support before coming onboard—sharing the vision of Son Shine Ministries with family, friends, and churches. Some choose to serve as volunteers during this time, building relationships with the ministry team.

It is important to note that employees will receive their set salaries regardless of the amount of support raised—whether less or more. For this reason, we are understandably careful about choosing start dates that match confirmed levels of adequate support. Supporters will know that their donations benefit the organization, and Son Shine Ministries has full control of the donated funds and discretion as to their use, ensuring that the funds are used to carry out our mission.

"I have raised my financial support since I first came on staff in 1985, and I have been blessed by the process. It required a paradigm shift in my thinking initially, but I soon realized that I was giving people a great opportunity to invest in a ministry that I loved—so much so that I had joined its team. As a result, my wife, Daniele, and I have real partners in ministry who pray for us and are supporters in much more than monetary ways. Some are family members; the others are like family. Every time we stand before a group to present a program, we know they are standing with us. What a blessing!"

David Shaffer, Ministry Director


A great option for many considering serving in ministry is starting with an internship. This provides opportunities for ministry outreach but also allows you to be a part of the preparation and follow-up for the various programs we present. For university and seminary students, we provide a mentor and will work to help you meet the objectives of your internship—syncing your goals with needs of our ministry. For others who simply want to "try out" serving in a ministry, we also provide a mentor to guide you through the process and help you assess future possibilities. Internships range from three months (one semester) to a full year and are normally unpaid, although all ministry-related work and travel costs are covered.


We are too! Let's begin a conversation. We would love to discuss opportunities to add you to our team.

Let's talk.

Son Shine Ministries|P.O. Box 456, Azle, Texas 76098-0456|(817) 444-3777|info@equipfamilies.org
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