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Parenting: A Biblical Model

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Weekend Program - Saturday

Not many topics are more supported with resource materials than parenting, which may cause you to ask, "Why schedule a Parenting: A Biblical Model program at our church?" Few opportunities in life challenge adults as much as parenting. Each child is unique, and daily life rarely comes without regular challenges. Likewise, little in life is as rewarding as the beautiful bond of love that is experienced in a healthy parent/child relationship.

The Bible presents a pattern for parenting that is akin to an apprenticeship—we are to model for our children a life that is focused on loving God with everything we have and loving others sacrificially. How to relate to God and others is taught not just on Sunday mornings; it is designed to be taught through everyday life situations. Parenting: A Biblical Model places the primary responsibility for the spiritual nurture of children with parents and highlights an important role of the church as a place where parents are equipped better for this role.


Learning alongside other parents and discussing real-life scenarios in small groups are extremely helpful and encouraging opportunities this program provides. Like all our programs, the best results happen when everyone participates—whether it is by sharing ideas aloud with the group or by silently processing the information.

For All Parents+

This program is designed for parents—whether single parents or those in a two-parent home or those who hope to one day be parents—but anyone is welcome to attend. For parents barely hanging on, this program provides real hope and encouragement. For parents who are thriving in their relationships with their kids, this program allows you to learn new ideas and share from your experience with others in your church who may need support. For all parents in between these two places, Parenting: A Biblical Model clarifies your mission as believing parents and encourages you to live out your faith before your ever-observant children, while transparently walking them through the joys and challenges of life.

All in One Day

Parenting: A Biblical Model is normally presented in four to five sessions and is often taught on a Saturday (weekend intensive). For those in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, we sometimes offer a weekly series instead of the weekend intensive. We strongly recommend the full version of this program, but you may also find one of the "Short Programs" a better fit for your group at this point.


The costs for this program are extremely affordable—shared by the host church, chapel, or group; and the participants. The host's costs for this program include a $350 booking fee and reimbursement of minimal travel costs (to be discussed ahead of booking). The host also manages facilities and publicity and usually will provide drinks, snacks, and a simple Saturday lunch for the attendees. The host assures that there will be at least fifteen attendees.

The attendees' cost for this program per person is $35 (to go to Son Shine Ministries). The $25 is collected by the host church and paid collectively (mindful of the fifteen attendees minimum if fewer actually participate).

Next Steps

Have questions? Ready for a parenting program? To inquire and/or request a program, please proceed to our "Next Steps" page.

Son Shine Ministries|P.O. Box 456, Azle, Texas 76098-0456|(817) 444-3777|info@equipfamilies.org
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